Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Facial feelings

Monday during class we were instructed to feel all over our faces to find the bones so that when applying makeup we know where to put it. I found this fpvery relaxing to the point where I needed a nap afterwards. Making faces at ourselves was very funny. I didn't think my face moved like that.


  1. I loved this exercise. it was so relaxing to massage the face

  2. It is very interesting to see how your face moves in ways you don't even know.

  3. I enjoyed that excerise very much! I made some very interesting discoveries.

  4. I tried to make a video and post it on my blog with this exercise but I had trouble. Anyone get it to work?

  5. I have never tried posting a video. Maybe there is some sort of gadget (like the way we put the fish on) that will upload videos.
